This video is from STEP and deals about a student : Efundunke Hugues who wants to be a teacher thanks to the Stanford program. This program allows the students to be a teacher during one year, as trainee to understand what is really this job, the education and the contact with children.
This video is about student’s experience, indeed, the woman wanted to be an engineer, but she realized that she wanted to be a teacher too. So with this program, she decided to “test” this profession but she hasn’t enough money so she hasn’t pay her study. But with this program, the notion of equality is very important: it’s the “Loan Forgiveness Program”. She likes a lot this program because for her the equality at school was very important, and she thinks that every child must have the same opportunities for their future.
So, the headmaster of Stanford and Efundunte insist on the importance of an equality at school.